July 2024 Rental report

The average rent for different-sized Auckland properties for July 2024.

Average weekly rent received across Auckland

Number of bedrooms  1 2 3 4 5+
Central Auckland $467 $662 $919 $889 $1,100
Central Auckland East $448 $581 $725 $932 $1,180
Central Auckland West $508 $617 $802 $953 $1,378
Eastern Suburbs $456 $614 $770 $980 $1,227
Franklin/Manukau Rural $389 $485 $582 $687 $815
Islands of the Gulf - - $1,100 - -
North Shore $470 $575 $707 $861 $1,058
Pakuranga/Howick $453 $563 $682 $826 $1,010
Rodney $417 $550 $653 $794 $921
South Auckland $388 $509 $632 $747 $867
West Auckland $421 $543 $633 $758 $927
Total $450 $573 $680 $828 $1,019


Number of rental properties by number of rooms

Number of bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5+
Central Auckland 552 411 69 8 3
Central Auckland East 278 708 713 391 114
Central Auckland West 90 267 225 80 23
Eastern Suburbs 233 648 713 376 101
Franklin/Manukau Rural 36 173 492 319 50
Islands of the Gulf 0 0 1 0 0
North Shore 132 649 943 549 146
Pakuranga/Howick 23 288 638 468 243
Rodney 53 315 451 343 90
South Auckland 173 594 1,077 467 136
West Auckland 127 633 1,182 470 125
Total 1,697 4,686 6,504 3,471 1,031

Source: Barfoot & Thompson analysis of its tenancies as of 31 July 2024 and its sales over the last six months for three-bedroom properties. Gross yield is calculated using the average sales price and average rental per week for three-bedroom properties. Suburbs with less than four tenancies or four sales for three-bedroom properties with Barfoot & Thompson are not included. 

For more information, contact a property manager, or to find out how much rent you can achieve, ask for a rental appraisal.

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