Shop B8/1 John Goulter Drive, Auckland Airport

For Lease POA Plus GST

440m² Floor Area


Situated along a key arterial route leading to Auckland International Airport, Manawa Bay shopping outlet, and a surrounding working base catchment in excess of 20,000 people, the centre offers outstanding exposure to George Bolt Memorial Drive and is supported by well-established tenants.

Situated on the ground floor, this tenancy has the flexibility to accommodate alternate uses such as trade retail considering the flexibility provided in its zoning designation.

  • Outstanding profile along George Bolt Memorial Drive
  • 440m² ground floor (currently two tenancies to be amalgamated into one)
  • Excellent signage opportunity and generous on-site car parks
  • Woolworths, The Warehouse, Chemist Warehouse, Postie, Taco Bell, and KFC on-site, plus several hotels nearby
  • Kitchenette, WC, suspended ceiling tiles and lighting
  • Available now
  • Strategically located for easy access to major transit routes

Please contact the listing agents below for more details and to arrange a site inspection.

Property details

Shop B8/1 John Goulter Drive, Auckland Airport
Property ID:

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