30 Kennedy Drive, Putaruru

For sale by negotiation

172879m² Land Area


Barfoot & Thompson Commercial and Property Brokers are pleased to present this exciting retirement village opportunity to the market.

The property comprises 17.28 hectares of land situated in Putaruru adjacent to the golf course, with resource consents granted in March 2023 for a 210-unit retirement village to be marketed as Springwater Country Estate.

This is designed to be a high-quality comprehensive village with an option on adjacent land to provide for up to 500 units in total.

The development is planned in five stages with initial earthworks for 25 units in stage 1 underway.

The market research report rated this location 8/10 based on demographics, latent demand, and lack of competition.

Putaruru benefits from its central location in close proximity to Hamilton, Tauranga, and Rotorua.

Due to a change of circumstances the property is reluctantly offered for sale.

Take advantage of all the hard work done to date in this high-growth demand sector in an affordable North Island location.

  • 17.28 hectares adjacent to golf course
  • Resource consent granted for 210-unit retirement village
  • Earthworks are underway
  • High-quality development – Springwater Country Estate
  • Take advantage of the hard work to date
  • High growth demand sector
  • Affordable central North Island location

For further information, please contact the listing agents John Stringer at j.stringer@barfoot.co.nz or on 021 758 078, and Alan Copeman at alan.copeman@pb.co.nz or on 021 874 222.

Property details

30 Kennedy Drive, Putaruru
Land area:
Property ID:

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