Experience a master marketer. You wouldn't trust the sale of your home to just anybody. The art of gaining maximum value for premium properties requires somebody who has a positive and proactive mindset.
I am a creative marketer who understands the strategies and technologies of the 'new' approach to real estate that has emerged in recent years. I understand what is required to design and execute successful property marketing plans, and that achieving best price means having the maximum number of motivated buyers on auction day. That's what a Ross Paterson designed marketing plan sets out to do!
I do a large amount of work for the community and specialise in charity auctions, including being involved in the Hospice Innovation Club Charity Auction, the Paihia Wearable Arts Auction, Mid North Family Support and many more. I am also the creator of the Inter Secondary Schools Auctioneers Championships, which builds confidence and oratory skills in Northland Youth. This has seen a life-changing impact on the lives of the students I have worked with, and gives me great pride in their accomplishments.
Trust a master auctioneer; a graduate of the prestigious Melbourne School of Auctioneering, run by the Real Estate Institute of Victoria. I've sold many prime New Zealand homes under the hammer and take pride in being one of the best and most highly regarded auctioneers in New Zealand.