A closer look at the average rent for two bedroom properties
We manage over 3,400 two bedroom properties across the Auckland region. The average rent for these properties is $410.
Prices have maintained a 4-5% increase over the past few years. There has however, been a slightly larger (7%) increase over the last few months.
Average rental - two bedrooms by property type
Apartment | Townhouse | House |
Unit/Flat | |
Auckland Region as of 1 Sept 2015 |
$497 | $464 | $400 | $386 |
Auckland Region as of 1 Sept 2014 |
$471 |
$445 |
$381 |
$362 |
Auckland Region as of 1 Sept 2013 | $460 | $414 | $359 | $341 |

Units most popular
Units make up nearly half of the two bedroom properties that we manage.

Apartments and townhouse command highest rent
Apartments and townhouses consistently receive higher rental than the Auckland average. Both apartments and townhouses tend to be in more central locations and command a premium price for that reason.

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Proximity to the central city a factor
Apartments receive the highest rent, with an average of $497.06. Proximity to the central city seems to be the greatest determinant for the amount of rent received for two bedroom properties.