Soft fitout and FF&E

guy working on computer in office

Ergonomic furniture reduces discomfort and can increase productivity. Colour stimulates the brain and open spaces give employees more room to breathe.

If all of these concepts are neglected, workflow can suffer as a result. It’s common sense that working in a low-quality environment will likely make employees feel low-quality themselves. By investing in the architecture around your employees, you’re investing directly in them, too.

Every piece of office furniture can potentially play a part in amplifying your work pipeline. This doesn’t mean you should necessarily replace all of your furniture at once, but a slow, steady updating of your major furniture over time is a great idea. Approaching it this way lets you adjust your furniture accordingly to your needs as time goes on, and lets you keep pace with interior design trends. But can changing something as simple as a chair really make the difference?

Today, we take an in-depth look at the important role office furniture plays in the workplace.

Office storage
Unorganised workspaces slow work down – office furniture ought to work with employees, not against them. The more time your staff spend looking for documents, the less time they have to work on them. Modern office furniture keeps relevant documentation at your fingertips. This means your staff will be able to keep to a schedule with ease, and be better equipped when they need to communicate with the rest of the team, or clients.

When you spend a lot of time in one place, it needs to be comfortable. Simply put, you won’t retain employees if they feel in pain at the office. Back pain is worldwide problem, and a commonly cited reason for missed work. Ergonomic furniture that encourages proper posture, lowers the chance of strain and injury for your staff, and makes them less likely to develop problems, will keep them happily at work instead of unhappy at home.

Open planning
Modern office furniture enables greater communication and collaboration than traditional office furniture does. Looking into hot-desking and open-plan offices is a great way to foster teamwork in your office, leading to faster – and better – work.

If an employee is expected to spend 40 or more hours out of their own house every week, it’s ideal for them to feel proud of their workplace. When you deliver high-end furniture for them to use, they are more likely to respect and stand by the company culture overall. The happier your employees are, the better they work.

Brendon Brodie
Head of Business Development
P 0800 999 000